Legal conditions Sa Creu Rewards

SA CREU REWARDS is the loyalty program of RE-CAMPOS S.L. under its brand Sa Creu Nova Petit Palais Art & Spa.

Open and free program, oriented to give added value and reward the loyalty of customers who book through the web 

Access to the SA CREU REWARDS Program and the carrying out of operations through the website implies acceptance of the following conditions of use: 
- Accept the privacy policy of the SA CREU NOVA website.
- Accept the subscription to receive future offers and news from the establishment.
- In order to restrict access, through the website, to confidential information relating to the SA CREU REWARDS account, so that it can only be known by or with the consent of its owner, the prior introduction of your personal data (name, surname, date of birth, country of residence), a unique and personal e-mail address, as well as a password, will be required.
- In case of forgetting the password, the customer can request that it be resent to the e-mail address indicated as user. To do so, it is necessary to enter the website, access the SA CREU REWARDS area and click on the option: "Forgot your password?"
- The customer will be responsible for the custody of the chosen password. RE CAMPOS INV S.L. shall not be liable for the consequences of any illegitimate use, even by a third party, of the customer's access password.

Reservations begin to be counted in the SA CREU REWARDS account once the client has registered in the Program.

If a reservation has been generated without prior login or identification in SA CREU REWARDS, the SA CREU REWARDS benefits will not be applied during the stay and will not be automatically counted in the Program account.

The benefits and discounts included in the SA CREU REWARDS program will be valid only for reservations made through and being previously registered through

RE-CAMPOS INC S.L. declines any responsibility for any alterations that may occur in the SA CREU REWARDS program, including its cancellation. Registration and access to the SA CREU REWARDS program implies that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions herein. 


- 8% discount RESERVE through the web.
- Advance communication of offers
- Discount on SPA treatments
- Discounts on Upseeling/Upgrade subject to availability
- Late check out subject to availability
- Welcome gift (for stays of more than 4 nights)

Although SA CREU REWARDS benefits are global, they may be subject to minor adaptations and/or customizations, as well as exceptions in their application, according to the hotel's reality.
